Thursday, June 9, 2016


Umoja wa Wabungea wa Tanzania katika Mapambano ya kutokomeza Malaria Tanzania na Magonjwa mengine ya Ukanda wa Joto ( Tanzania Parliament Against Malaria and Neglected Tropical Disease-TAPAMA) umepata nguvu baaya ya WABUNGE na Mawaziri  wanachama wapya kuonyesha nia ya kusadia juhudi hizi za Wabunge.

Matumaini hayo yalijitokeza katika Mkutano Maalumu wa TAPAMA uliofanyika Dodoma 26th May 2016 kwa Ufadhili wa Taasisi ya Mkapa Foundation.

Viongozi wapya walioteuliwa ni 

1. Mh. Rizik Lulida -Mbunge (MWENYEKITI)
2. Mh Joseph Kakunda -Mbunge (Makamu Mwenyekiti)
3. Mh Dr Raphael Chegeni - Mbunge -Katibu
4. Mh Ridhiwani Kikwete -Mbunge (Mtunza Hazina)

Wajumbe Wengine waliohudhuria Mkutano huo ni 

1. Mhe Abdalah Katani MB
2. Mhe N Kaboyoka MB
3. Mh Dr Hamisi Kigwangala MB, Naibu Waziri za Afya
4. Mhe Prof Ana Tibaijuka MB 
5. Mhe Dr Immaculate Sware MB
6. Mhe Ummy Mwalimu MB, Waziri wa Afya
7. Mhe Neema Mgaya MB
8. Mhe Juma Kombo Hamadi MB
9 Mhe Tahir Awesi MB
10.Mhe Faustine Ndugulile MB
11.Mhe Stanslaus Nyongo MB
12.Mhe Abdallah Ulega MB
13.Mhe Zainabu Katimba MB
14 Mhe Job Ndungai MB, Spika wa Bunge
15.Mhe Dr Tulia Akson MB, Naibu Spika wa Bunge
16 Mhe Jenister Mhagama MB, Waziri WBVKW
17. Mhe. Dr Thomas Kashillilah, Katibu wa Bunge

Viongozi hawa ambao ni sehemeu ya watoa maamuzi wana lengo la kuongeza Utashi wa Kisiasa na ushawishi kwa Serikali ili kutokomeza Malaria Nchini Tanzania . 

Taarifa imetolewa na 

Dr Hermengild Mayunga
Program Director
TAPAMA Secretariat.

Sunday, August 12, 2012



Tanzania Parliamentarians Against Malaria (TAPAMA) is the coalition of the Member of Parliaments of Tanzania who has dedicated to Roll Back Malaria (RBM) Tanzania and fight other Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTD). The MPs enhance lobbying and Advocacy on role of leaders and other decision makers  on implementation of United Nations malaria-related Millennium Development Goals- Rolling Back Malaria and National implementation of ant malarial Prevention and treatment policy of Tanzania.

The Member of Parliaments of Tanzania are responding to March 2007, the 60th World Health Assembly (WHA) African governments Leaders (include Tanzania) and other International leaders commit themselves to the rolling back malaria and meeting the United Nations malaria-related Millennium Development Goals, with emphasise on greater involvement of the leader in the fight against Malaria and scale up community involvement in the Campaign to fight Malaria in Tanzania


In 2006 Malaria Consortium International Organisation based in UK in Collaboration with ORES Tanzania (National NGO based in Tanzania) realize that, The Greater involvement of Policy makers in the campaign  against Malaria in Tanzania (RBM) shall scale up the implementation of the National Policy to fight Malaria in Tanzania. As the result of that advocacy campaign to the Policy makers came the formation of Coalition (Alliances) of members of Parliament against Malaria –TAPAMA then was found in January 2007.

TAPAMA understand that malaria has remained one of the oldest diseases leading killer diseases in our Country, More than 93% percent of the population is at risk for malaria. The statistics show that the population in Tanzania is 40 million people, all of whom live at risk of malaria, for at least part of the year. This makes Tanzania to be the third largest population at risk of malaria in the world with reported increase of malaria cases and under-5 mortality rate of 165/1000. The disease is responsible for more than one-third (33%) of deaths among children under age five and for up to one-fifth (20%) of deaths among pregnant women. In 2006 about 56% percent of hospital admissions in country were under-five children was due to Malaria. Up to 80% percent of Tanzania’s malaria deaths occur among these Children.

 Malaria has been one of the major economical burdens to the country, For example year 2007 health statistics show average of the regional hospital statistics manifest that about 55% of patients admitted in regional hospitals were suffering from malaria or malaria related complications. On the other hand the Disease has been having great impact to the Tanzania Economy, The Disease cause of more than 18 Million people suffered or become sick of Malaria which increase number of absentees at work Place and business place, The Diseases make economical loss of 3.4% of GDP equivalent of 350 million US$. Due to above urgency needs TAPAMA members decided to join the community by scaling up the RBM campaign initiatives.

Vision: Tanzania without Malaria and become giant resource for Policymakers on Malaria intervention Strategies in Africa.
Mission: To scale up Malaria Prevention intervention and Treatment in order to reduce the mortality and morbidity rate of Death caused by Malaria in Tanzania and relief the sufferings of disease among the most Vulnerable groups in our Country.


  1. Lobbying and advocacy for Policy implementation in combating Malaria by mobilizing influence of Community leaders and decision makers (Parliamentarians) to scale up policy implementation and resources commitment on Fight Malaria and other neglected Tropical Diseases.
  2. To Enhance Malaria prevention strategies among the most affected communities and group people and Country as whole.
  3. Advocacy access to effective and sustainable prophylaxis and Treatment.
  4. Scaling up availability of free Treated Mosquito net and Treatment to the most vulnerable group namely, the pregnant women and children under five years old.
  5. Greater involvement of Community in Malaria Intervention by community mobilization and dissemination of information on Malaria and other Neglected Tropical Disease.
  6. To conduct operational Research on Malaria and Vector Control and develop policy agenda to the MP Assembly.
  7. Capacity building to the MP and other partners and information sharing on control, prevention and Treatment.
  8. Resource mobilization (Financial resources and human Resources) to support Member of Parliaments who are willing to work with their communities in their constituents to implement national Ant malaria and Prevention policy.
  9. Enhance Community Behaviors Communication and education on malaria Control and prevention Intervention to the Member of Parliaments, other policymakers and community as whole.

Founder members (2007)

Hon Riziki Lulida (MP)


 Hon. Fuya Kimbita (MP)  (out going)

Secretary General

 Hon. Mtutura A. Mtutura (MP)

Treasurer General

 Hon. Zabein M. Mhita (MP)………………………………..Member

Hon. Ania S. Chaurembo (MP) …………………………...Member

Hon. Ramadhan A. Maneno (MP) …………………………Member

Hon. Gosbert Blandes (MP) ………………………………..Member

Hon. Idd M Azzan (MP) ……………………………………Member

Hon. Benson M. Mpesya (MP) ……………………………..Member

Hon. Mossy S. Musa (MP) ………………………..………..Member

Hon. Magreth Mkanga (MP) ………………………………..Member

Hon. Alyshymaa Kwegyr.........................................................Member

Current Partners

ORES Tanzania, Malaria Consortium (UK), Ministry of Health Tanzania-National Malaria Control Program (NMCP), Malaria No More (USA), Care of the Needy (COTN), Tanzania.


Secretary General

Tanzania Parliamentarians Against Malaria

Ocean Road, NIMR bldg, 2nd floor, Room No 11,

P.O. BOX 31232, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

 Tel +255 715 238509

 Tel +255 782 104323

 Tel +255 784 520680 (Senior  Consultant and Secretariate) (still under Construction)